RWANDA - Demographic Health Survey 2005
Reference ID | RWA-NISR-DHS-2005-v01 |
Year | 2005 |
Country | RWANDA |
Producer(s) | National Institute of Statistics of Rwanda - MINECOFIN |
Sponsor(s) | United Nations for International Cultural Education Fund - UNICEF - United States for International Development - USAID - |
Collection(s) | |
Metadata |
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Created on
Aug 02, 2012
Last modified
Aug 02, 2012
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Data File: Woman
Content | This file contains data related to the questions asked to Women age 15-49 years old. |
Cases | 11539 |
Variable(s) | 843 |
Producer | Department of Statistics |
Name | Label | Question | |
V630G | Discussed FP with mother-in-law | ||
V630H | Discussed FP with friends/nbrs | ||
V630I | Discussed FP with son(s) | ||
V630J | Discussed FP -country specific | ||
V630K | Discussed FP -country specific | ||
V630L | Discussed FP -country specific | ||
V630M | Discussed FP -country specific | ||
V630N | Discussed FP -country specific | ||
V630O | Discussed FP -country specific | ||
V630X | Discussed FP with others | ||
V631 | Problem if became pregnant | ||
V632 | Decision maker for using contraception | Would you say that using contraception is mainly your decision, mainly your husband's/partner's decision, or did you both decide together? | |
V633A | Reason for not having sex: Husband has STD | Husbands and wives do not always agree on everything. If a wife knows her husband has a disease that she can get during sexual intercourse, is she justified in refusing to have sex with him? | |
V633B | Reason for not having sex: Husband has other women | Is a wife justified in refusing to have sex with her husband when she knows her husband has sex with other women? | |
V633C | Reason for not having sex: Recent birth | ||
V633D | Reason for not having sex: Tired, mood | Is a wife justified in refusing to have sex with her husband when she is tired or not in the mood? | |
V633E | Reason for not having sex: CS | ||
V633F | Reason for not having sex: CS | ||
V633G | Reason for not having sex: CS | ||
V701 | Partner's education level | Did your (last) husband/partner ever attend school? (IF YES) What was the highest level of school he attended: primary, secondary, or higher? | |
V702 | Highest year of education | What was the highest (grade/form/year) he completed at that level? | |
V704 | Partner's occupation | (CURRENTLY MARRIED/LIVING WITH A MAN) What is your husband's/partner's occupation? That is, what kind of work does he mainly do? (FORMERLY MARRIED/LIVED WITH A MAN) What was your (last) husband's/partner's occupation? That is, what kind of work did he mainly do? | |
V705 | Partner's occupation | ||
V714 | Respondent currently working | Aside from your own housework, have you done any work in the last seven days? (IF NO) As you know, some women take up jobs for which they are paid in cash or kind. Others sell things, have a small business or work on the family farm or in the family business. In the last seven days, have you done any of these things or any other work? (IF NO) Although you did not work in the last seven days, do you have any job or business from which you were absent for leave, illness, vacation, maternity leave or any other such reason? | |
V715 | Husbands education-single yrs | ||
V716 | Respondent's occupation | What is your occupation, that is, what kind of work do you mainly do? | |
V717 | Respondent's occupation | ||
V719 | Work for family, others, self | Do you do this work for a member of your family, for someone else, or are you self-employed? | |
V721 | Works at home or away | Do you usually work at home or away from home? | |
V729 | Partner's educational attainm. | ||
V730 | Partners age | How old was your husband/partner on his last birthday? | |
V731 | Worked in last 12 months | Although you did not work in the last seven days, do you have any job or business from which you were absent for leave, illness, vacation, maternity leave or any other such reason? What is your occupation, that is, what kind of work do you mainly do? | |
V732 | Employment all year/seasonal | Do you usually work throughout the year, or do you work seasonally, or only once in a while? | |
V739 | Who decides how to spend money | Who usually decides how the money you earn will be used: mainly you, mainly your husband/partner, or you and your husband/partner jointly? | |
V740 | Type of land where resp. works | Do you work mainly on your own land or on family land, or do you work on land that you rent from someone else, or do you work on someone else's land? | |
V741 | Type of earnings for work | Are you paid in cash or kind for this work or are you not paid at all? | |
V742 | Portion of household expenditures respondents earnings pay | ||
V743A | Final say on own health care | Who usually makes decisions about health care for yourself: you, your husband/partner, you and your husband/partner jointly, or someone else? | |
V743B | Final say on making large household purchases | Who usually makes decisions about making major household purchases? | |
V743C | Final say on making household purchases for daily needs | Who usually makes decisions about making purchases for daily household needs? | |
V743D | Final say on visits to family or relatives | Who usually makes decisions about visits to your family or relatives? | |
V743E | Final say on food to be cooked each day | ||
V744A | Wife beating justified if she goes out without telling him | Sometimes a husband is annoyed or angered by things that his wife does. In your opinion, is a husband justified in hitting or beating his wife in the following situations: If she goes out without telling him? | |
V744B | Wife beating justified if she neglects the children | Sometimes a husband is annoyed or angered by things that his wife does. In your opinion, is a husband justified in hitting or beating his wife in the following situations: If she neglects the children? | |
V744C | Wife beating justified if she argues with him | Sometimes a husband is annoyed or angered by things that his wife does. In your opinion, is a husband justified in hitting or beating his wife in the following situations: If she argues with him? | |
V744D | Wife beating justified if she refuses to have sex with him | Sometimes a husband is annoyed or angered by things that his wife does. In your opinion, is a husband justified in hitting or beating his wife in the following situations: If she refuses to have sex with him? | |
V744E | Wife beating justified if she burns the food | Sometimes a husband is annoyed or angered by things that his wife does. In your opinion, is a husband justified in hitting or beating his wife in the following situations: If she burns the food? | |
V750 | Heard sexual transmit. disease | ||
V751 | Ever heard of AIDS | Now I would like to talk about something else. Have you ever heard of an illness called AIDS? | |
V753 | Ways to avoid AIDS | ||
V754A | AIDS: Safe sex | ||
V754B | AIDS: abstain from sex | ||
V754C | AIDS: use condoms during sex | ||
V754D | AIDS: only one sex partner | ||
V754E | AIDS: avoid sex prostitutes | ||
V754F | AIDS: avoid sex homosexuals | ||
V754G | AIDS: avoid blood transfusions | ||
V754H | AIDS: avoid injections | ||
V754I | AIDS: avoid kissing | ||
V754J | AIDS: avoid mosquito bites | ||
V754K | AIDS: protection trad. healer | ||
V754L | AIDS: Limit number of sex partners | ||
V754M | AIDS: Avoid partners who have many partners | ||
V754N | AIDS: Avoid sex with intravenous drug users | ||
V754O | AIDS: avoid sharing razor blades with AIDS patient | ||
V754P | AIDS: country specific | ||
V754Q | AIDS: country specific | ||
V754R | AIDS: country specific | ||
V754S | AIDS: country specific | ||
V754T | AIDS: country specific | ||
V754U | AIDS: country specific | ||
V754V | AIDS: country specific | ||
V754X | AIDS: other responses | ||
V754Z | AIDS: DK ways to avoid AIDS | ||
V754CP | Reduce chances of AIDS by always using condoms during sex | Can people reduce their chance of getting the AIDS virus by using a condom every time they have sex? | |
V754DP | Reduce chance of AIDS: have 1 sex partner with no oth partnr | Can people reduce their chance of getting the AIDS virus by having just one uninfected sex partner who has no other sex partners? | |
V754JP | Get AIDS from mosquito bites | Can people get the AIDS virus from mosquito bites? | |
V754WP | Get AIDS by sharing food with person who has AIDS | Can people get the AIDS virus by sharing food with a person who has AIDS? | |
V756 | Can a healthy person have AIDS | Is it possible for a healthy-looking person to have the AIDS virus? | |
V759A | Acceptable to discuss AIDS on radio | ||
V759B | Acceptable to discuss AIDS on TV | ||
V759C | Acceptable to discuss AIDS in newspapers | ||
V759D | Acceptable to discuss AIDS: CS | ||
V759E | Acceptable to discuss AIDS: CS | ||
V759F | Acceptable to discuss AIDS: CS | ||
V759G | Acceptable to discuss AIDS: CS | ||
V759H | Acceptable to discuss AIDS: CS | ||
V759I | Acceptable to discuss AIDS: CS | ||
V761 | Last intercourse used condom | The last time you had sexual intercourse (with this second/third person), was a condom used? | |
V761B | Intercourse with other man (1) used condom | The last time you had sexual intercourse (with this second/third person), was a condom used? | |
V761C | Intercourse with other man (2) used condom | The last time you had sexual intercourse (with this second/third person), was a condom used? | |
V762AA | Source for condoms: Government hospital | Do you know of a place where a person can get condoms? (IF YES) Where is that? Any other place? | |
V762AB | Source for condoms: Government health center/post | Do you know of a place where a person can get condoms? (IF YES) Where is that? Any other place? | |
V762AC | Source for condoms: Family planning clinic | Do you know of a place where a person can get condoms? (IF YES) Where is that? Any other place? | |
V762AD | Source for condoms: Mobile clinic | Do you know of a place where a person can get condoms? (IF YES) Where is that? Any other place? | |
V762AE | Source for condoms: Public field worker | Do you know of a place where a person can get condoms? (IF YES) Where is that? Any other place? | |
V762AF | Source for condoms: Other public | Do you know of a place where a person can get condoms? (IF YES) Where is that? Any other place? | |
V762AG | Source for condoms: Public CS | Do you know of a place where a person can get condoms? (IF YES) Where is that? Any other place? | |
V762AH | Source for condoms: Public CS | Do you know of a place where a person can get condoms? (IF YES) Where is that? Any other place? | |
V762AI | Source for condoms: Public CS | Do you know of a place where a person can get condoms? (IF YES) Where is that? Any other place? | |
Total variable(s):
843 |