RWANDA - Demographic Health Survey 2010
Reference ID | RWA-NISR-DHS-2010-v01 |
Year | 2010 - 2011 |
Country | RWANDA |
Producer(s) | National Institute of Statistics of Rwanda NISR - MINECOFIN |
Sponsor(s) | The government of Rwanda - - United States Agency for International Development - USAID - The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention - CDC - United Nations Children’s Fund - UNICEF - United Nations Population Fund - UNFPA - |
Collection(s) | |
Metadata |
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Created on
Aug 01, 2012
Last modified
Feb 27, 2013
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Data File: Child
Content | This file contains data related to the Child questionnaire |
Cases | 32639 |
Variable(s) | 409 |
Producer | National Institute of Statistics of Rwanda |
Name | Label | Question | |
HHID | Case Identification | ||
PID | Case Identification | ||
BIDX | Birth column number | ||
BORD | Birth order number | ||
B0 | Child is twin | Were any of these births twins? | |
B1 | Month of birth | In what month and year was (NAME) born? PROBE: What is his/her birthday? | |
B2 | Year of birth | In what month and year was (NAME) born? PROBE: What is his/her birthday? | |
B3 | Date of birth (CMC) | ||
B4 | Sex of child | Is (NAME) a boy or girl? | |
B5 | Child is alive | Is (NAME) still alive? | |
B6 | Age at death | How old was (NAME) when he/she died? (IF '1 YR', PROBE): How many months old was (NAME)? | |
B7 | Age at death (months, imputed) | ||
B8 | Current age of child | How old was (NAME) at his/her last birthday? | |
B9 | Child lives with whom | Is (NAME) living with you? | |
B10 | Completeness of information | ||
B11 | Preceding birth interval (months) | ||
B12 | Succeeding birth interval (months) | ||
B13 | Flag for age at death | ||
B15 | Live birth between births | Were there any other live births between (NAME OF PREVIOUS BIRTH) and (NAME), including any children who died after birth? | |
BID | Child's line number in household | ||
M1 | Number of tetanus injections before birth | During this pregnancy, were you given an injection in the arm to prevent the baby from getting tetanus, that is, convulsions after birth? (IF YES) During this pregnancy, how many times did you get this tetanus injection? | |
M1A | Number of tetanus injections before pregnancy | (IF M1=1,DK, or missing ASK) At any time before this pregnancy did you receive any tetanus injections, either to protect yourself or another baby? (IF YES) Before this pregnancy, how many other times did you receive a tetanus injection? | |
M1B | Month of last tetanus injec-NA | In what month and year did you receive the last tetanus injection before this pregnancy? | |
M1C | Year of last tetanus injection before -NA | In what month and year did you receive the last tetanus injection before this pregnancy? | |
M1D | Years ago received last tetanus injection | How many years ago did you receive that tetanus injection? | |
M1E | Last tetanus injection befo-NA | ||
M2A | Prenatal: doctor | Did you see anyone for antenatal care for this pregnancy? (IF YES) Whom did you see? Anyone else? | |
M2B | Prenatal: nurse/medical assistant | Did you see anyone for antenatal care for this pregnancy? (IF YES) Whom did you see? Anyone else? | |
M2C | Prenatal: midwife | Did you see anyone for antenatal care for this pregnancy? (IF YES) Whom did you see? Anyone else? | |
M2D | Prenatal: CS health profess-NA | Did you see anyone for antenatal care for this pregnancy? (IF YES) Whom did you see? Anyone else? | |
M2E | Prenatal: CS health profess-NA | Did you see anyone for antenatal care for this pregnancy? (IF YES) Whom did you see? Anyone else? | |
M2F | Prenatal: CS health profess-NA | Did you see anyone for antenatal care for this pregnancy? (IF YES) Whom did you see? Anyone else? | |
M2G | Prenatal: traditional birth attendant | Did you see anyone for antenatal care for this pregnancy? (IF YES) Whom did you see? Anyone else? | |
M2H | Prenatal: community health worker | Did you see anyone for antenatal care for this pregnancy? (IF YES) Whom did you see? Anyone else? | |
M2I | Prenatal: community health mother and child | Did you see anyone for antenatal care for this pregnancy? (IF YES) Whom did you see? Anyone else? | |
M2J | Prenatal: CS other person -NA | Did you see anyone for antenatal care for this pregnancy? (IF YES) Whom did you see? Anyone else? | |
M2K | Prenatal: other | Did you see anyone for antenatal care for this pregnancy? (IF YES) Whom did you see? Anyone else? | |
M2L | Prenatal: CS other -NA | Did you see anyone for antenatal care for this pregnancy? (IF YES) Whom did you see? Anyone else? | |
M2M | Prenatal: CS other -NA | Did you see anyone for antenatal care for this pregnancy? (IF YES) Whom did you see? Anyone else? | |
M2N | Prenatal: no one | Did you see anyone for antenatal care for this pregnancy? (IF YES) Whom did you see? Anyone else? | |
M3A | Assistance: doctor | Who assisted with the delivery of (NAME)? Anyone else? | |
M3B | Assistance: nurse/medical assistant | Who assisted with the delivery of (NAME)? Anyone else? | |
M3C | Assistance: midwife | Who assisted with the delivery of (NAME)? Anyone else? | |
M3D | Assistance: CS health profe-NA | Who assisted with the delivery of (NAME)? Anyone else? | |
M3E | Assistance: CS health profe-NA | Who assisted with the delivery of (NAME)? Anyone else? | |
M3F | Assistance: CS health profe-NA | Who assisted with the delivery of (NAME)? Anyone else? | |
M3G | Assistance: traditional birth attendant | Who assisted with the delivery of (NAME)? Anyone else? | |
M3H | Assistance: community health worker | Who assisted with the delivery of (NAME)? Anyone else? | |
M3I | Assistance: community health mother and child | Who assisted with the delivery of (NAME)? Anyone else? | |
M3J | Assistance: Friend/relative | Who assisted with the delivery of (NAME)? Anyone else? | |
M3K | Assistance: other | Who assisted with the delivery of (NAME)? Anyone else? | |
M3L | Assistance: CS other -NA | Who assisted with the delivery of (NAME)? Anyone else? | |
M3M | Assistance: CS other -NA | Who assisted with the delivery of (NAME)? Anyone else? | |
M3N | Assistance: no one | Who assisted with the delivery of (NAME)? Anyone else? | |
M4 | Duration of breastfeeding | For how many months did you breastfeed (NAME)? | |
M5 | Months of breastfeeding | For how many months did you breastfeed (NAME)? | |
M6 | Duration of amenorrhea | For how many months after the birth of (NAME) did you not have a period? | |
M7 | Months of amenorrhea | For how many months after the birth of (NAME) did you not have a period? | |
M8 | Duration of abstinence | Have you begun to have sexual intercourse again since the birth of (NAME)? (IF YES) For how many months after the birth of (NAME) did you not have sexual intercourse? | |
M9 | Months of abstinence | Have you begun to have sexual intercourse again since the birth of (NAME)? (IF YES) For how many months after the birth of (NAME) did you not have sexual intercourse? | |
M10 | Wanted pregnancy when became pregnant | At the time you became pregnant with (NAME), did you want to become pregnant then, did you want to wait until later, or did you not want to have any (more) children at all? | |
M11 | Desired time would have waited | How much longer would you have liked to wait? | |
M13 | Timing of 1st antenatal check (months) | How many months pregnant were you when you first received antenatal care for this pregnancy? | |
M14 | Number of antenatal visits during pregnancy | How many times did you receive antenatal care during this pregnancy? | |
M15 | Place of delivery | Where did you give birth to (NAME)? | |
M17 | Delivery by caesarean section | Was (NAME) delivered by caesarean section? | |
M18 | Size of child at birth | When (NAME) was born, was he/she very large, larger than average, average, smaller than average, or very small? | |
M19 | Birth weight in kilograms (3 decimals) | Was (NAME) weighed at birth? (IF YES) How much did (NAME) weigh? | |
M19A | Weight at birth/recall | Was (NAME) weighed at birth? (IF YES) How much did (NAME) weigh? | |
M27 | Flag for breastfeeding -NA | ||
M28 | Flag for amenorrhea | ||
M29 | Flag for abstinence | ||
M34 | When child put to breast | How long after birth did you first put (NAME) to the breast? | |
M35 | Number of times breastfed d-NA | How many times did you breastfeed last night between sunset and sunrise? | |
M36 | Number of times breastfed d-NA | How many times did you breastfeed yesterday during the daylight hours? | |
M38 | Drank from bottle with nipple yesterday/last night | Did (NAME) drink anything from a bottle with a nipple yesterday or last night? | |
M39A | Did eat any solid, semi-solid or soft foods yesterday | ||
M39 | Number of times ate solid, semi-solid or soft food yesterday | How many times did (NAME) eat solid, semisolid, or soft foods yesterday during the day or at night? | |
M42A | During pregnancy: weighed -NA | As part of your antenatal care during this pregnancy, were any of the following done at least once? Were you weighed? | |
M42B | During pregnancy: height me-NA | ||
M42C | During pregnancy: blood pressure taken | As part of your antenatal care during this pregnancy, were any of the following done at least once? Was your blood pressure measured? | |
M42D | During pregnancy: urine sample taken | As part of your antenatal care during this pregnancy, were any of the following done at least once? Did you give a urine sample? | |
M42E | During pregnancy: blood sample taken | As part of your antenatal care during this pregnancy, were any of the following done at least once? Did you give a blood sample? | |
M43 | Told about pregnancy complications | During (any of) your antenatal care visit(s), were you told about the signs of pregnancy complications? | |
M44 | Told where to go for pregna-NA | Were you told where to go if you had any of these complications? | |
M45 | During pregnancy, given or bought iron tablets/syrup | During this pregnancy, were you given or did you buy any iron tablets or iron syrup? | |
M46 | Days tablets or syrup taken | During the whole pregnancy, for how many days did you take the tablets or syrup? | |
M47 | During pregnancy, had diffi-NA | During this pregnancy, did you have difficulty with your vision during daylight? | |
M48 | During pregnancy, had diffi-NA | During this pregnancy, did you suffer from night blindness (USE LOCAL TERM)? | |
M49A | During pregnancy took: SP/f-NA | During this pregnancy, did you take any drugs to keep you from getting malaria? (IF YES) What drugs did you take? | |
M49B | During pregnancy took: chlo-NA | During this pregnancy, did you take any drugs to keep you from getting malaria? (IF YES) What drugs did you take? | |
M49C | During pregnancy took: Coartem for malaria | During this pregnancy, did you take any drugs to keep you from getting malaria? (IF YES) What drugs did you take? | |
M49D | During pregnancy took: Quinine for malaria | During this pregnancy, did you take any drugs to keep you from getting malaria? (IF YES) What drugs did you take? | |
M49E | During pregnancy took: CS d-NA | During this pregnancy, did you take any drugs to keep you from getting malaria? (IF YES) What drugs did you take? | |
M49F | During pregnancy took: CS d-NA | During this pregnancy, did you take any drugs to keep you from getting malaria? (IF YES) What drugs did you take? | |
M49G | During pregnancy took: CS d-NA | During this pregnancy, did you take any drugs to keep you from getting malaria? (IF YES) What drugs did you take? | |
M49X | During pregnancy took: other drug for malaria | During this pregnancy, did you take any drugs to keep you from getting malaria? (IF YES) What drugs did you take? | |
M49Z | During pregnancy took: don't know | ||
M49Y | During pregnancy took: no drug for malaria | ||
M50 | Respondents check up after delivery | ||
Total variable(s):
409 |