Rwanda - Agricultural Household Survey 2017
Reference ID | RWA-NISR-RAHS-2017-V0.1 |
Year | 2017 |
Country | Rwanda |
Producer(s) | National Institute of Statistics of Rwanda - Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning |
Sponsor(s) | Government of Rwanda - GoR - Funding |
Metadata | Documentation in PDF |
Created on
Jan 11, 2021
Last modified
Jan 11, 2021
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Data Access
Access Authority
National Institute of Statistics of Rwanda
National Institute of Statistics of Rwanda
1. The data and other materials provided by the National Institute of Statistics of Rwanda will not be redistributed or sold to other individuals, institutions, or organizations without the written agreement of the Nationall Institute of Statistics of Rwanda .
2. The data will be used for statistical and scientific research purposes only. They will be used solely for reporting of aggregated information, and not for investigation of specific individuals or organizations.
3. No attempt will be made to re-identify respondents, and no use will be made of the identity of any person or establishment discovered inadvertently. Any such discovery would immediately be reported to the National l Institute of Statistics of Rwanda .
4. No attempt will be made to produce links among datasets provided by the National l Institute of Statistics of Rwanda.
Access Conditions
1. The data and other materials provided by the National Institute of Statistics of Rwanda will not be redistributed or sold to other individuals, institutions, or organizations without the written agreement of the Nationall Institute of Statistics of Rwanda .
2. The data will be used for statistical and scientific research purposes only. They will be used solely for reporting of aggregated information, and not for investigation of specific individuals or organizations.
3. No attempt will be made to re-identify respondents, and no use will be made of the identity of any person or establishment discovered inadvertently. Any such discovery would immediately be reported to the National l Institute of Statistics of Rwanda .
4. No attempt will be made to produce links among datasets provided by the National l Institute of Statistics of Rwanda.
Citation Requirements
National Institute of Statistics of Rwanda (NISR), Agricultural Household Survey 2017 report, December 2018
(c) 2018, National Institute of Statistics of Rwanda